
在线博彩 CBCS介绍了一种独特的, university fast-track program that teaches students to gain essential skills needed to facilitate all phases of the healthcare medical and insurance revenue cycle process. 该计划旨在培养对政府和商业保险公司规范的熟练程度, 以及在所有医疗机构工作所需的客户服务技能.


  • 基本了解人体和适用于计费和编码的医学术语.
  • 使用国家编码系统ICD10-CM对诊断条件和程序代码进行分类和分配, CPT, 以及医疗保健机构的HCPCS.
  • 适当地提交医疗索赔并确保符合运营商的费用支付计划.
  • 理解描述医疗记录的术语, 保险利益解释, 以及承运人报销通知.
  • 理解和应用主要、次要和第三保险索赔流程.
  • 促进医疗保险资格,以及完整的收入周期流程.

医疗账单和编码专家是一名有价值的专业人员,在医疗保健环境中发挥着至关重要的作用. This professional applies 知识 of medical record information and transforms data into the universal language reimbursed by health insurance carriers. 这种职业道路高度支持远程工作的灵活性, 允许个人获得不错的薪水, 在完成认证后的一年内,改变患者的生活并成为专业人士.


  • 及时审查患者记录, 完整性, 和准确性, 包括病史, 症状, 考试, 测试结果, 治疗, 以及为患者提供的其他医疗保健服务
  • 使用分类系统,如CPT, HCPCS, and ICD10 CM/PCS to assign clinical codes and confirmed diagnoses for insurance reimbursement and healthcare data 分析
  • 与临床工作人员合作,以电子方式记录临床数据并支持收集, 存储, 分析, 检索实践或机构报告
  • 协助临床登记, 电子健康记录, 实行管理制度, 并协助分析数据以改善医疗保健运营

在线博彩 Professional and Continuing Education offers the 医疗帐单和编码专家 Certification for all individuals interested in entering the healthcare medical reimbursement industry at an entry level with a high desire to learn and advance within healthcare settings.

MBC is offered as post-secondary training and requires passing the certification process through the 全国卫生事业协会® (NHA).




The demand and high projection growth rates for the 医疗计费和编码 program aim to provide favorable job opportunities for future students. 该技术角色的认证是医疗保健专业的宝贵资产. 工作职责需要大量的实践投入, 保留, 认证的性能超越了对医疗记录进行编码的能力.


医疗帐单和编码专家 has been a target occupation in the geographical areas serviced by 在线博彩 and is in high demand in the Workforce Solutions Alamo strategic plan for Economic and Workforce Analysis, 2021-2024.

根据德州劳动力委员会的说法, 医疗计费和编码, 健康信息技术员领域的一部分, 预计为 长18.德州从2020年到2030年的5%, 其中包括随着该州老龄化人口的增加而增加的医疗保健服务.

  • 批判性思维和解决问题
  • 沟通与协作
  • 信息、媒体和技术


Online 认证医疗计费和编码专家(CBCS)培训 is delivered virtually over twenty-three consecutive weeks for a total of 138 hours. 学员每周与在线导师见面两天,每次三小时.

  • 课程1 -医学术语和病理生理学

    医学术语和解剖学 & 生理学是基础学习课程必不可少的学生在所有联合健康计划的成功.

  • 课程2 -医疗保险和帐单-医疗编码 & 分类(CPT/HCPCS)/ICD10 CM/PCS

    This course introduces health insurance and reimbursement and familiarizes students with the health insurance industry, 法律和监管问题, 以及报销方法的差异.

  • 课程3 -编码认证回顾

    编码认证回顾课程为学生掌握认证提供了学习成果, 了解并重新检查需要改进的地方, 并表现出对课程内容的掌握.

  • 课程四-职业发展

    The Career Development course provides the learning objectives and outcomes for the student to demonstrate mastery in career management strategies.


尤兰达G. Villanueva, MBA, CMC, CPC, CPCO, CCS, LSSYBH

尤兰达G. Villanueva是在线博彩医疗计费和编码认证项目的讲师. 她的教学经验始于2017年在阿拉莫学院区西北维斯塔校区. 它继续实施综合基础教育技能培训(IBEST)计划, where she successfully maintained an above-average student pass rate for the certification program and assisted in the student’s advancement in the healthcare industry.

在大圣安东尼奥地区的医疗保健行业拥有超过30年的经验, 她目前的职位包括在国防部担任医疗编码合规专家, 应用医疗编码, 医疗合规, 风险分析, 卫生系统实施顾问, 临床文件审核员, 以及收入周期绩效分析师. 她曾在医疗业务管理部门担任重要职位长达16年, 她在哪里招募和培训所有医疗保险报销人员.

Steve Carpenter 在线博彩
Steven Carpenter, MHA, MSS, MA, CBCS, CCMA, CMAA

Steven Carpenter是在线博彩认证计费和编码专家课程的讲师. He began his teaching career at the University of the Incarnate Word in partnership with Career Education Services and the Alamo Colleges District, 圣安东尼奥, in 2018, 指导200多名学生获得在医疗诊所和医院工作的证书.

His healthcare experience includes 24 years of military service with the United States Army as an enlisted Medical Specialist and a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Medical Service Corps. He graduated from the United States Army – Baylor University Master’s Program in 医疗保健 Administration and has a master’s degree from the United States Army War College in Strategic Studies. 他还拥有韦伯斯特大学计算机资源管理硕士学位.


你不需要大学学位就能获得医疗账单和编码专家的工作. 然而, employers seek individuals who have training from a reputable 医疗帐单和编码专家 program like that offered by 在线博彩.


在线博彩的培训证书和NHA认证使您成为更理想的求职者. Employers prefer or even require applicants to have completed a reputable training program and certification before consideration for a job position. 我们的课程大纲将确保我们的学生有竞争力的34,在德克萨斯州的28个就业区有288个工作岗位.



The Certified Professional Coder provided by the 全国卫生事业协会 (NHA) ascertains that you have the fundamental 知识 needed to excel in this healthcare industry. Students can attain a certificate of completion from 在线博彩 and sit for the Certified 计费 and Coding Specialist (CBCS) certification from the NHA upon program completion.

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